How to Properly Wash Vagina

How to Properly Wash Vagina

How to Properly Wash Vagina. What kind of vaginal cleanser that you use every day, ordinary soap or special cleaner? What is the proportion in each use? Hopefully you already know the important things like this. Wrong information about how to wash the vagina can create intimate areas that itch or so nest fungus. 

Of course, you're afraid of this happening. So did all the women around the world. Therefore, let's understand your vagina in order to know how to clean it properly.

Here's How To Properly Wash Vagina

First, part of the vagina that needs to be cleaned only part of the vulva, including labira majora and minora (inner and outer vaginal lips, large and small). The inside of the vagina (from the hole to get into the body) is able to clean itself. So says Jessica Shepherd, MD, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology of University of Illinois at Chicago. No need to tamper with the inside so as not to damage the vaginal flora. 

Secondly, the vagina should have a pH between 3.5-4.5. When you clean your vagina with a liquid body cleanser containing perfume (pH between 7-8), you are already damaging the normal pH of the vagina. This can cause itching, irritation, and odor. "Unscented Cleansing is the best choice because it does not contain substances that could potentially cause irritation.

In addition, solid soap is better than liquid soap because it does not contain alcohol as high as liquid soap. However, the best is a special cleanser with a pH of 3.5-4, not scented, and do not contain alcohol. Pairs of eyes if there are changes in the vagina in the form of itchy, dry, or unnaturally thick liquid. Maybe it was a fungal infection. 

Third, note the frequency. If you clean the vagina less frequency, there may still be residual sweat and secretions left. If the vagina is cleaned excessively, you can disrupt the balance. 

Cleaning the vagina by hand is also better than using loofah. Texture loofah can make cuts and if your partner is at risk of sexually transmitted diseases, it is easily transmitted through injury earlier. Clean the vagina once or twice a day is enough. 

Fourth, dry it carefully using a soft, clean towel. Do not rubbed, simply paste your intimate areas towel until completely dry. Keep your intimate areas remain dry with replacing a panty liner or panty two to three times a day under normal conditions.

After urination, vaginal washing with clean water, then dry immediately. Note the direction of wash anus after defecation, not from back to front. That's like you spread germs from the anus to the vagina. 

In the vagina, there are good bacteria and bad bacteria there. By cleaning the inside of the vagina as mentioned above (usually using a douche), you could potentially get rid of both. This could lead to disturbed balance of the vaginal environment. PH of the vagina should be treated with caution if you do not want to fungal infections and infections of others.

In essence, physiologically, vagina created capable of taking care of himself by pushing out the dirt through a typical liquid that you see everyday. Your job was just cleaning fluid secretion in the vulva, keeping no excess moisture, and maintain the pH imbalance. That's How To Properly Wash Vagina. Read also our article on "Hair Loss Tips"

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